Windows Live Messenger
Soluções possíveis para o erro 80072efd da nova versão
Para arrumar o msn experimentem o seguinte:
Vá em C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Contatcs\ and found the file wlcomm.exe file there.
Right clicking it and choosing properties then choosing compatibility tab. I first checked the 'disable visual themes' checkbox. As shown on one of the arrows on the picture below. This made wlcomm crash the second time I tried to sign. So with seemingly no options left I tried to run it in compatibility mode for Windows 95, just for the heck of it. And VIOLA Windows Live Messenger is now working on my computer.
Restart o programa
2) Renovar entradas de registro mais utilizadas.
* REGSVR32 softpub.dll * REGSVR32 wintrust.dll * REGSVR32 initpki.dll * REGSVR32 Rsaenh.dll * REGSVR32 Mssip32.dll * REGSVR32 Cryptdlg.dll * REGSVR32 Dssenh.dll * REGSVR32 Gpkcsp.dll * REGSVR32 Slbcsp.dll * REGSVR32 Sccbase.dll
3) No prompt do DOS:
Reset as entradas WINSOCK para o estado igual da instalação inicial digitando: netsh winsock reset catalog
Reset IPv4 TCP/IP para o estado igual da instalação inicial digitando: netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log
Reset IPv6 TCP/IP para o estado igual da instalação inicial digitando: netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log
Reiniciar o computador.